Summer Staff at Lakeview

Each summer we seek to hire men and women who love the Lord and love camp! If you'd like to join our team for the summer, email the director at with an application and a letter of recommendation from your church!

Work for lakeview this summer!

     Lakeview Christian Camp, an independent Christian church camp in Western Kansas, is seeking summer staff members for summer camp, with campers ranging from first grade through high school. Summer staff employees will be responsible for kitchen work and food service, recreation facilitation, including a climbing wall and zip line, buildings & grounds maintenance and repairs, and other duties as needed.

We specifically hire positions for:
•    Head Cook

•    Nurse

•    Kitchen Assistants & Cleaning Staff

•    Lifeguards

•    Zipline Operator

•    Maintenance/Grounds

     Successful candidates will be Christ-centered, immersed believers, who are servant-leaders, flexible and handle change well. 

     Pay is based on position, experience, and certifications (if any). Room and board are included while at camp.

    If interested, please send application along with a letter of recommendation from your church to  Once we receive your application, we will contact you to set-up an interview.

Click here for an application!