Wilderness Camp

Wilderness camp will be taking place on sight at Lakeview Christian Camp.  We will study the Bible lessons where God's people have survived in the wilderness.  In between lessons, campers will learn some fun and basic wilderness and survival techniques.  Tent camping is encouraged.  If you have a tent, please bring one!  Otherwise, students will stay in the cabins.  Students going into 7th Grade - 12th Grade are welcome to attend this camp!

Basic Camp Information

Directions to Camp:

-We are located one mile south of the Webster Lake Dam on Highway 258.

-Our address: 1380 10 Road, Stockton, KS 67669

-Look for the Lakeview entrance sign on the south side of the road.


Registration begins at 4:00 pm in front of the Lodge. (Park in the lot between the Lodge and Kitchen.) Please do not bring your campers prior to that time, as there will be no early check-ins. Drivers should allow up to one hour for the check-in process, and drivers are responsible for the students until the check-in process is completed for all students. Please do not leave your students unattended during the registration period. If your student will arrive later that 5pm on the first day of camp, please contact the director prior to the beginning of camp. No fee adjustments can be made for late arrivals.


Camper pick up is at noon on the final day of camp. Campers must be picked up by the person listed on the registration form or a parent/guardian. A sack lunch will be given to each camper as campers leave. Campers may not leave until the Dean officially dismisses camp, usually after a final prayer time.

What to Bring:

-Clothes for the week (no laundry available)

-Modest Swimsuit (no bikinis, speedos, or tight suits)

-Tennis Shoes (required for active options)

-Flip-flops or Sandals (for walking to/from water slide and pool)

-Light Jacket

-Sleeping Bag & Pillow

-2 Towels (one for showers, one for water activities)


-Bible, Notebook, and Pen


-Sunscreen & Bug Spray

-Camera (camp not responsible for damage and/or loss)

-Missions Offering

-Tent if available

What NOT to Bring:

-iPad, tablet, handheld electronic games, or any other electronics

-Tobacco, alcohol, or drugs (all medication must be turned into nurse during registration)


-Guns, knives, or weapons of any kind (real or toy)

-Skateboard, skates, or roller blades

-Fireworks, matches, or lighters

-Candy, food, or drinks (no food allowed in cabins; campers will be given snacks each day)

-Money not intended for offering or snack shack

-Valuable cameras or other items as the camp is not responsible for loss or damage

-Any items that could be a distraction for campers or present a safety concern

Dress Code:

Modesty is key. No spaghetti straps, tight shirts, bare midriffs, tight or short shorts, saggy pants, exposed undergarments, bikinis, or speedos.

Spending Money:

Students will need to bring additional money for the snack shack, which will be open multiple times a day. They can also bring money to donate to the week’s missionary if they choose to do so.  Everything else is included in the registration fees!


Visitors to camp MUST check-in with the Executive Director or Dean upon arrival and complete a background check if they intend to stay. Visitors must agree to abide by all camp rules and regulations and can be asked to leave at any time for any reason. A donation of $5 per meal is requested for each visitor. All visitors must leave the campus by 10pm each evening. 

Early Departures/Mid-Week Activities:

Should your camper need to leave camp early, or leave the campus at any time prior to the official ending of the camp, he or she MUST be signed out by a parent/guardian with the Dean or Executive Director. If someone other than a parent/guardian will be picking up the student, a signed note must be presented at the time of check-in. Students will not be allowed to leave with a non-parent/guardian unless a parent/guardian can be contacted. There will be no fee adjustments based on early departures.


Campers LOVE to get mail. We are located in a rural area, so allow 2-3 days of extra processing time for us to receive your letters or packages. (You may send items early.) Remember that no food or drinks are allowed in the cabins, so please do not send those types of items. We will do our best to get your camper his/her mail, but it is not always possible. Send your mail to: 


If a student is homesick, efforts will be made to redirect the student to the fun activities going on at camp. Should a child continue to be homesick, at the Dean or Executive Director's discretion, a phone call may be made to the student's parent/guardian listed on the registration form. Further action will be made based on that conversation.  If you don't hear from us, everything is going great!

Additional Questions:

If you have additional questions, please contact our director at directorofLCC@gmail.com or 785-302-8073.